Tuesday 24 September 2013

Ilya Repin: Summer Landscape in the Kursk Province (1900)

Летний пейзаж в Курской Губернии. Этюд. 

 Everything in this calm and peaceful landscape (details, objects and figures) is depicted accurately and succinctly. The composition is horizontal. In the middle ground we see a rural road which goes into the distance.  Nearby, in the foreground, there are several small ravines overgrown with green bushes. The blue sky with white clouds adds some warmth and ease to the painting.  Though there is no directional light source, we have a feeling that the sun heats the earth somewhere beyond the clouds. Rich brown color of the small hilly slopes, covered with brownish-green shrubs, shades the sky with flair. In the middle ground, a pair of human figures walking somewhere along the road, dilutes the landscape. The colors are smooth and contrasting, while the texture is soft and semi-gloss with marks made with a brush. So this landscape is light, bright, warm and clear with a deep sense of depth and space.

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