Monday 30 September 2013

Maksim Vorobyov: Oak Riven by Lightning

 A size of the picture is 100x130 cm, so it looks very impressive. This picture is an allegory of the death of the Artist's wife. This fact is displayed very vividly in the picture. Viewers can see the artist's pain and torment through composition, colours and subject matter's image. The subject of the painting is the oak riven by lightning. It is depicted very expressively, a violent storm bends its firm branches and the lighting breaks its  trunk in half. Dark and cold colours predominate here: dark oak, grey waves breaking on the black rocks and  a lavish use of black, grey and brown in the background. The only bright line dividing the picture space nearly diagonally is the lighting. It personifies a sudden and dazzle blow for the artist. This is his wife's death. Speaking about composition, it is slightly asymmetrical. The oak is placed in the right side, and the left side represents a solid black area of storm. In the lower right-hahd conner a viewer can see rocks and waves. The whole picture creates a very depressing and oppressive impression. Looking at the picture we can feel that artist was hard hit and his statement of deep depression. 

1 comment:

  1. This picture impressed me greatly. The lightning is so bright, that seems to be very realistic.And looking at the oak, you can feel how strong wind is. Having read the information about the painting, I was deeply impressed that the lightning is the artist's wife.
